Taking the plunge to getting fit

take the plunge to getting fit

Committing to a fitness program isn’t easy.  It takes dedication, commitment and time. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that change doesn’t take work. It does. It takes lots of work but the results you see are definitely worth it. Just going on my site and reading this article highlights a stage of change. You’re thinking about your health, your fitness levels, and taking positive steps towards a healthier you.

There are stages that you go through when deciding to take on new tasks in life, whether its learning to dance, quitting smoking, or deciding to make fitness and physical activity part of your daily life. The stages of change are not fixed or stagnant; sometimes you may find yourself in transition between multiple phases. The stages of change as it relates to starting a fitness program are:


If you are at this stage, you are not ready to make any changes in your life. You aren’t even thinking about a change in behaviour. For some people they may not even be aware that a change is needed i.e. losing weight.


In the contemplation phase, you are starting to think about altering something in your lifestyle.  You realise that you need to make a change in order to live optimally. You recognize that a change must be done and living status quo is no longer acceptable. If you are in the contemplation stage, you accept and embrace the idea that physical activity and implementing a nutritious diet are critical to living a healthy lifestyle.


After contemplation, you typically enter a preparation period where you are willing and ready to make a positive behavioural change (i.e. starting a fitness program and changing your diet). By this point you start the research process of selecting the appropriate physical exercise and learning about what healthy foods you should incorporate into your diet. You also consider whether you should go through your journey alone or enlist the help of a friend or personal trainer .  You may not be ready to commit to anything at this point, but you’re more open to options.

As I stated earlier, by reading this article this puts you in the preparation phase. You found my site, you’re interested in what I offer, and are thinking if my personal training service is right for you.


Getting to the action phase can be challenging. Sometimes going through the first three steps can be done with ease, but getting to the next step of implementation can prove to be difficult. So if you’re at this stage, congratulations!

At this juncture, you begin to implement change. You make the necessary steps to move along your journey to self-improvement. It’s important to stay motivated to prevent relapse. A personal trainer by your side helps to keep you inspired and committed to your goals.

For example, you may be working out consistently but you stop seeing the results you desire, so you become discouraged and you consider giving up. If you have a great fitness trainer you are kept on track of your fitness goals.  A trainer can encourage you, push you to new limits, and make you accountable. Your trainer can light a fire under you especially on days when you feel you have nothing to give. Think about it. How easy is to give up when you have no one to answer to? How much harder is it to throw in the towel when you have a team member who relies on you?  Personal training is a partnership, a relationship between two people working towards the same goal….a stronger, healthier, fitter version of you.


Physical activity, fitness and eating healthy are now part of you daily routine. It is essential at this stage to keep motivated and be surrounded with like-minded individuals, people who will continue to encourage you. Your trainer can be your biggest supporter in a world of temptations. Also, there may be some people in your life who want to see you fail and sometimes go out of their way to sabotage your progress. Having a trainer by your side can help you maneuver past challenges in your fitness journey.

The stages of change are not fixed. You don’t simply move from one stage to another in a specific amount of time – it takes consistent work and dedication to transition through the steps. You’re human and relapse can happen. What’s important is to keep moving forward, staying positive and to keep focused on your ultimate goal such as losing weight or improving your overall health. Remember, aren’t born walking; you learn to take your first steps. Just by reading this article you’ve taken the first steps to a healthier, fitter you!

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